No matter what season of adult living you are in, we have a group for you! Studying the Bible, praying and fellowship together can connect you like nothing else to the weekly CHBC family. Please reach out to [email protected] and Rich will help connect you to a group today!

CH Worship is a team of individuals, each with unique talents and abilities, who come together with one purpose in mind – to help the people of Chilhowee Hills praise and worship our Lord and Savior in a way that is pleasing to Him. If you are interested in learning more about our Media Team, Choir, Band, or Praise Team, reach out! We’d love to meet with you.

CH Kids is our kid’s ministry here at Chilhowee Hills. We are open to any child, from birth through 6th grade. CH Kids consists of Bible Fellowship classes, Kid’s Church for kids K-2nd grade, and Wednesday night EKG (Equipping Kids for God) for grades K-6. Our younger kids have classes during these times in our Preschool area, where we believe that even our youngest family members can learn about Jesus. There is truly something for Everyone!

We have a thriving Senior Adult ministry here at Chilhowee Hills! Our seniors enjoy meeting together, sharing a meal, visiting our homebound members, serving in their communities, and so much more! We have a few different classes that meet at 9:15 for Bible Fellowship for both men and women. We also plan several special events for our Seniors throughout the year. We love being a multi-generational church and believe that our seniors are a wealth of wisdom and knowledge, and we are so thankful to have this ministry with them!

CH College Ministry is here to glorify God in everything we do and build relationships within the college community. Join us for Bible Fellowship at 9:15 in the gym or Thursday nights for Bible Study at our College Pastor’s home. We also have several events throughout the year just for our college students. We want to help build relationships with students from various schools. With CH College, you can be with other students from schools across the Knoxville area.

REFRAMED is our special needs ministry serving kids ages 5-12 who need special care and attention. We meet every Sunday morning during our Worship Service at 10:30. We have a specially designed space for kids with all kinds of needs and specifically trained volunteers with years of experience working with these exceptional kids! We would love to talk to you if you have a child that can benefit from this ministry!

CH Students (grades 7-12) exists so that students will hear the Gospel and have the guidance to grow in their faith. Being a teenager is tough, and there are difficulties and temptations all around. The student ministry at Chilhowee Hills is where parents and students can find help in facing those challenges. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the Parlor for Bible Fellowship and on Wednesday nights in the Summit at 6:00 pm for worship, games, and teaching.
Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church has the desire to see the whole world come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. As disciples who make disciples, we want to make sure that our resources and mission partners are available for everyone. Below you will find a list of all of our partners. If you are interested in serving alongside any of our partners ,please take a look at the links below. If you have any questions or would like to be connected with a pastor please call the church office.

Raising a Voice
Anti-Human Trafficking Organization located in East Knoxville

Renew Knoxville
Christian based susbstance abuse program located in Knoxville, TN

Calvary Road Knoxville
Providing pastoral training and church planting projects in East Africa

Bridge Refugee Services
Nonprofit agency operating in Knoxville and Chattanooga that is committed to providing protection and assistance in refugees' inspiring journey

Knox County Association of Baptists
We Champion Churches to live out God's Mission everywhere, everyday.

In His Steps
Providing pastoral training and discipleship in Nicaragua

North American Mission Board
North American mission arm of the Southern Baptist Convention

International Mission Board
International mission arm of the Southern Baptist Convention

Tennessee Baptist Mission Board
The state arm of the Southern Baptist Convention
Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church believes in serving and caring for the East Knoxville community and the world. Find a ministry that best fits your family's needs today.